About Muraad Pope

Muraad Pope

Muraad Pope is the owner and director of S.A.M.I. He is a corrective exercise specialist certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). With over 7 years of experience treating clients, he has developed a process that is extremely effective at treating scar tissue, restoring mobility and relieving pain. Not only has he treated clients across America, has taken his craft to many different countries including Germany, China, and Myanmar. After serving in the United States Marine Corps, he was compelled to treat more than just the injuries of his fellow veterans. By traveling abroad, he has been able expand his knowledge and blend eastern and western holistic treatments to help solve the riddle of chronic pain. Muraad’s techniques are based on the scientific fact that the human body is in a constant state of regeneration. Both client and practitioner must work together to establish the proper environment within the body and mind to achieve pain relief. Working with the greatest minds in orthopedic surgery and physical therapy to provide quality treatment.

“Everyone has the right to their highest quality of life, and they are the key to doing so.”

—Muraad Pope